

Fix Windows Boot Img Error After Removing LINUX

Windows is a great operating system, but it is not, unfortunately, the number one operating system for most geeky persons who want to explore more, other than just to browse their favourite tv show and play favourite games. So they go further to install other operating systems on their machines. 
How to fix windows boot after removing linux
But along the line, some people use because maybe their friend or siblings installed Linux in their systems, so go they go ahead to have it installed on their PC. Without having any inkling of what the OS is all about. Or knowing the first thing about an open source system. So after a little while, they get bored with it and wants to revert back to their traditional Windows OS.

But one of the things I've come to love about most Linux Distros I've used is that they are all jealous. In the sense that once they come into a system, they make themselves to be the number option amongst it peers operating system. 

What do I mean by most Linux Distros I've used is that they are all jealous? Once Linux is installed on a system, it makes itself the default operating system and installed GRUB, GNU GRUB (short for GNU GRand Unified Bootloader) which is a boot loader package from the GNU Project. It is used to choose which operating system you wish to boot into. (if you have used any Linux Distro, you should be familiar with this). 

So once you remove the hard drive partition allocated to the Linux Distro in your machine, the Grub (default bootloader for Linux) gets with it as well, making you unable to boot to your Windows OS. 

Normally, the only way to fix the boot issue is to do a clean install of Windows, but I have no doubt that you'd want to wipe your drive C and make a clean installation of Windows because that will cost you to lose a lot of files which you wouldn't want. So today I am going to show you how to get your PC to boot back into Windows without you losing your file. But to that, you will need Your Windows DVD or USB thumb drive mounted with windows 

===>>>    Once you get the Windows DVD or USB thumb drive, 

===>>>    Insert it into your PC then boot from the drive.

===>>>    From the list of options, Click on Repair Computer, then you will be taken to the System Recovery Options screen

How to fix windows boot after removing linux

===>>>    From the recovery screen, that will list the various recovery options you can use to recover your windows, Click on Command Prompt which is the last option.

===>>>    Once the command prompt opens, type the following commands one after the another

B o o t r e c / f i xmb r
B o o t r e c / f i x b o o t

Important: Note:    Please look at these commands closely and observe that the contain space character. Those spaces must be typed as well for the command to work. This command is used to fix your Master Boot Record which contains details about your Hard drive partitions and then repairs the Windows Boot Loader.

Finally, if this article on Fix Windows BootImg Error After Removing LINUX helped you, Kindly share with your friends on other Linux forums. 


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